Long ago, alien lifeforms came to Earth, fusing with people on the planet. Due to their appearance, they were dubbed “Mecha-ude,” as when fused, they bore a striking resemblance to mechanized limbs. Through an involuntary partnership, average middle schooler Hikaru Amatsuga works alongside the Mecha-ude Arma, who is an extremely rare and special existence. To protect Arma, the resistance group ARMS assigns the dual Mecha-ude user Aki Murasame to follow him wherever he goes. However, she is also looking for a mysterious Snake-Type Mecha-ude wielder,0″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>
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Mecha-ude (TV) Episode 8 Sub Indo
Long ago, alien lifeforms came to Earth, fusing with people on the planet. Due to …